by Debra Ronca
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Ronca, Debra. "Which animals kill the most people in the wild?" 15 December 2008.
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Which animals kill the most people in the wild?
The Most Deadly Animals: Mosquitoes
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Center for Disease Control -- Malaria
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"A-Z Animal Directory." National Geographic. 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
Bailey, Ronald. "North America's Most Dangerous Mammal." Reason Online. Nov. 21, 2001. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Bear Attack Statistics for USA & Canada." Black Bear Heaven. 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"CDC Activities." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Jun. 2, 2006. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever." World Health Organization. May 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Destinations." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nov. 5, 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Eradication of Malaria in the United States (1947-1951). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April 23, 2004. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Hippopotamus." Destination Kruger Park. 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
"Hippopotamus." How Stuff Works. April 23, 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
Long, Dr. Douglas. "The Great White Shark." University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2008. (Dec. 4, 2008)
dangerous animals
dangerous animals
dangerous animals
dangerous animals
dangerous animals