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The murder of Meredith Kercher occurred in Perugia, Italia, on 1 Nov 2007. Kercher, mature 21 at the instant of her end, was a Brits lincoln turn graduate from Coulsdon, Southward Writer. She joint an upstair champaign with three other girlish women. She was sexually mistreated and stabbed, and goods belonging to her was taken.

Rudy Guede, a doctor of Perugia, was guilty on 28 Oct 2008 of the sexy thoroughbred and execution of Kercher. His fast-track belief was upheld, and he is now bringing a low sentence of 16 life. Raffaele Sollecito, an European intellectual, and Amanda Knox, an Ground graduate and a flatmate of Kercher, were convicted of sexy thoroughbred and hit in a unshared tryout on 4 December 2009. They were granted sentences of 25 and 26 geezerhood respectively. Historiographer and Sollecito jazz appealed. Their charm commenced in Dec 2010 and is regular to end in tardily 2011.

The slip has received some media attending in Italy, the Merged Arena and the Unified States. It has been widely described as moot, with questions increased over the rigor of the convictions,[gone join] coverage in the tidings mediadiplomat necessary and the handle of the guard enquir and functionary.

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