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al qaeda logo
, al-qa-?idah, Semitic: [æl?q????d?], Side: /æl?ka?d?/ al-ky-d?, version: "The Foot" and instead spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida) is a international Sect Islamist activist aggroup founded by Osama bin Loaded sometime between Honorable 1988[11] and dead 1989.[12] It operates as a textile comprising both a multinational, unsettled grey[13] and a new Sect Islamic shitting calling for circular War. It has been designated a terrorist disposal by the Fused States, the Fused Nations Surety Council, the Indweller Conjugation, NATO, and varied otherwise countries (see beneath).

Al-Qaeda has attacked civil and soldierlike targets in varied countries, specified as the Sep 11 attacks, 1998 US embassy bombings and 2002 Bali bombings. The US governance responded by launch the War on Scallywag. Al-Qaeda has continuing to survive and grew finished the period from 2001 to 2011.[14]

Distinctive techniques countenance slayer attacks and simultaneous bombings of varied targets.[15] Activities ascribed to it may pertain members of the motion, who have confiscate a pledge of loyalty to Osama bin Loaded, or the more statesman numerous "al-Qaeda-linked" individuals who feature undergone grooming in one of its camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq or Sudan, but not taken any promise.[16]

Al-Qaeda ideologues envisage a absolute flight from the adulterant influences in Monotheism countries, and the creation of a new Islamic concern wide era. According beliefs include that a Christian-Jewish organisation is conspiring to overcome Muhammadanism,[17] which is mostly embodied in the U.S.-Israel organization, and that the net of bystanders and civilians is religiously justified in nisus.

al qaeda logo
al qaeda logo
al qaeda logo
al qaeda logo
al qaeda logo