vanilla ice hair

vanilla ice hair
As is the case (I would imagine) at most class reunions, the music was carefully selected to reflect the tunes popular during the assembled grads' high school careers. In this case, it trended heavily toward super hits of the '80s and early '90s. Nothing too edgy or esoteric, just the songs that would have hit FM in Augusta -- a lot of hair bands and early hip-hop. Vanilla Ice made an appearance, as did the Electric Slide. It was a set list assembled to appeal to the greatest common denominator.
vanilla ice hair
vanilla ice hair
vanilla ice hair
vanilla ice hair
vanilla ice hair
Ordinarily, an evening of moldy hits from the Top 40 vault would have been more than enough to send me over the edge, or at least home. To my surprise, that wasn't the case this time. While it's true I did decline the opportunity to line dance with high school comrades, I found myself surprisingly engaged by the musical choices. It's possible the atmosphere of the event had softened me a little, but when Vanilla Ice asked me to collaborate and listen, it didn't seem all that bad an idea.